• Kloster Neuzelle,
                Picture: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Sebastian Höhn Kloster Neuzelle, Picture: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Sebastian Höhn
    Churches, monasteries and castles

Churches, monasteries & castles in Brandenburg Discoveries from Chorin Monastery to the castle of Burg Rabenstein

Brandenburg's cultural history is reflected in the lovely churches, monasteries and castles. The Cistercian monasteries of the state are particularly imposing ensembles of architecture, offering fascinating perspectives of the medieval monasticism, such as the Chorin Monastery or the Neuzelle Monastery – Brandenburg's baroque wonder. Castles, such as Burg Rabenstein in the Fläming Heath and the Plattenburg in the Prignitz region as well as a large part of the churches date back to the 12th and 13th century. The bright red constructions, like the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Brandenburg an der Havel, are striking examples.

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