• Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge,
                    Picture: Jens Wegener Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge, Picture: Jens Wegener
    Event highlights - the best in Brandenburg

Event highlights of the year Our special recommendations for Brandenburg

Throughout the year, Brandenburg entertains its guests with a broad range of events. A colourful variety of performances, exhibitions, and concerts ensures the finest cultural entertainment combined with the pleasures of Brandenburg’s landscapes. A harmonic blend of culture and nature guarantees a very special kind of cultural entertainment.

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Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele”

Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele” Music Festival “Havelländische… Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele” Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele”

Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor…
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and…
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
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Havelländische Musikfestspiele, Picture: Havelländische Musikfestspiele gGmbH/Friederike Roth
Potsdam Night of the Palaces

Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces

Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming to life…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming to life…
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Potsdamer Schlössernacht, Picture: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH und SPSG/Leo Seidel
Chorin Music Summer

Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer

The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event highlight in the…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event highlight in the…
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Choriner Musiksommer, Picture: Kerstin Schlopsnies
Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge

Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge

Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte…
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film…
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle…
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle…
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Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge, Picture: Jens Wegener
FilmFestival Cottbus

FilmFestival Cottbus FilmFestival Cottbus FilmFestival Cottbus FilmFestival Cottbus

On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More…
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film…
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
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FilmFestival Cottbus, Picture: FilmFestival Cottbus/Thomas Goethe
International Puppet Theatre Festival

International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival

In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life again and…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life again and…
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Internationales Puppentheaterfestival im Elbe-Elster-Land, Picture: Tourismusverband Elbe-Elster-Land e.V./Kein Urheber bekannt
Events in Neuhardenberg Castle

Events in Neuhardenberg Castle Events in Neuhardenberg Castle Events in Neuhardenberg Castle Events in Neuhardenberg Castle

Discover top-class events at Neuhardenberg Palace year-round such as exhibitions, readings, theatre performances, and concerts.
Discover top-class events at Neuhardenberg Palace year-round such as exhibitions,…
Discover top-class events at Neuhardenberg Palace year-round such as exhibitions, readings, theatre performances, and concerts.
Discover top-class events at Neuhardenberg Palace year-round such as exhibitions, readings, theatre performances, and concerts.
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Schloss Neuhardenberg, Picture: Fotograf / Lizenz - Media Import/Andreas Beetz
Christmas Markets

Christmas Markets Christmas Markets Christmas Markets Christmas Markets

Best of Christmas Markets in Potsdam and Brandenburg - a doorstep to Berlin.
Best of Christmas Markets in Potsdam and Brandenburg - a doorstep to Berlin.
Best of Christmas Markets in Potsdam and Brandenburg - a doorstep to Berlin.
Best of Christmas Markets in Potsdam and Brandenburg - a doorstep to Berlin.
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Weihnachtsmarkt in Cottbus, Picture: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Rainer Weisflog
Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele”

Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele” Music Festival “Havelländische Musikfestspiele”

Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
Discover piano and chamber musice, orchestra concerts and readings in stately parlours and gardens of Havelland palaces and manor houses!
Find out more!
Havelländische Musikfestspiele, Picture: Havelländische Musikfestspiele gGmbH/Friederike Roth
Potsdam Night of the Palaces

Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces Potsdam Night of the Palaces

Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming to life…
Potsdam's Night of the Palaces (Potsdamer Schlössernacht) is one of Brandenburg's top event highlight. Baroque splendour is coming to life…
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Potsdamer Schlössernacht, Picture: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH und SPSG/Leo Seidel
Chorin Music Summer

Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer Chorin Music Summer

The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event highlight in the…
The Chorin Monastery offers a magical backdrop for the classical concerts of the Chorin Music Summer Festival. – an event highlight in the…
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Choriner Musiksommer, Picture: Kerstin Schlopsnies
Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge

Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge

Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle Wittenberge.
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle Wittenberge.
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle Wittenberge.
Be enchanted by the most beautiful melodies from opera, operetta, musical, and film against the historical backdrop of the Alte Ölmühle…
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Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge, Picture: Jens Wegener
FilmFestival Cottbus

FilmFestival Cottbus FilmFestival Cottbus

On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
On an international scale, the FilmFestival Cottbus is considered the leading film festival for East European cinema. More information here!
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FilmFestival Cottbus, Picture: FilmFestival Cottbus/Thomas Goethe
International Puppet Theatre Festival

International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival International Puppet Theatre Festival

In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life again and…
In the south of Brandenburg the dolls are dancing! Here the tradition of the Central German Wandermarionettentheater comes to life again and…
Find out more!
Internationales Puppentheaterfestival im Elbe-Elster-Land, Picture: Tourismusverband Elbe-Elster-Land e.V./Kein Urheber bekannt
+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

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We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at service@reiseland-brandenburg.de.

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