Holiday flat "Alte Schule" Spremberg-Heinrichsfeld

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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
In the "Alte Schule" Spremberg-Heinrichsfeld there is a 90m² holiday flat on the outskirts of Spremberg, with parking space and storage for bicycles. A fully equipped eat-in kitchen and bathroom with tub/shower and washing machine are available. A spacious living room and 2 bedrooms, each with a double bed and TV, invite you to linger. WLAN is free of charge.
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  • Old school on Bergmannsweg, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Cosy sitting area in the garden, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Living room, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bedroom with large French bed, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bedroom with large French bed, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Kitchen, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Desk in the living room, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bathroom, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Old school on Bergmannsweg, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
In the "Alte Schule" Spremberg-Heinrichsfeld there is a 90m² holiday flat on the outskirts of Spremberg, with parking space and storage for bicycles. A fully equipped eat-in kitchen and bathroom with tub/shower and washing machine are available. A spacious living room and 2 bedrooms, each with a double bed and TV, invite you to linger. WLAN is free of charge.
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  • Old school on Bergmannsweg, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Cosy sitting area in the garden, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Living room, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bedroom with large French bed, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bedroom with large French bed, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Kitchen, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Desk in the living room, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky
  • Bathroom, Foto: Reiner Lamparsky

Comfort Information

  • Lodging
    Visitor parking
    • Distance of visitor parking to the entrance (in meters, approx.): 10
    • Level, trip-free flooring everywhere (inside and outside)
    • Everything is accessible at ground level / without stairs.
    • Some areas are accessible only by stairs: Entrance area 2 steps, garden area 2 steps (exit)
    Bathroom equipment
    • Bathtub available
    Additional info
    • Convenient arrival by public transport possible
    • Handrails on all stairs
    • Parking facilities for baby carriages / walkers etc.
    • Supplementary information:
      Carport for one vehicle, further parking spaces on the enclosed property

Arrival planner

Bergmannsweg 11

03130 Spremberg

Weather Today, 15. 1.

2 4
overcast clouds

  • Thursday
    -0 6
  • Friday
    -1 5

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e.V.

Am Stadthafen 2
01968 Senftenberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 3573-725300-0
Fax: +49 (0) 3573-725300-9

Weather Today, 15. 1.

2 4
overcast clouds

  • Thursday
    -0 6
  • Friday
    -1 5

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