Uckermärker Landrunde, hiking trail

Hiking tours
Länge: 155 km
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Länge: 155 km
ab €
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
The 155 kilometre hiking route with its 8 stages starts in Prenzlau. It goes through two of the Uckermark’s three National Natural Landscapes: the Uckermärkische Seen Nature Park and the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve.
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  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Prenzlau Unteruckersee, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Naugartener See, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Klosterruine Boitzenburg, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde Stadtmauerrundgang Templin, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, bei Ringenwalde, Foto: Silke Rumpelt, Foto: Silke Rumpelt
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Wolletzsee, Foto: Anja Warning
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Franziskaner Klosterkirche Angermünde, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Foto: Alena Lampe
Ospreys, white-tailed and lesser spotted eagles, black storks, European pond terrapins, otters and kingfishers are just a few of the many rare species that keen observers can spot in the nature park with its many bodies of water. After crossing the dense woods of the Schorfheide, the route continues in the biosphere reserve. In addition to the natural landscape, visitors will also enjoy the detailed, historically evolved cultivated landscape. With its fields and pastures dotted with shrubs, old villages and cobbled avenues, the area feels a world apart from everyday worries.

Length: 155 kilometres, 8 stages (14 to 25 kilometres per day)

Route sign: Red dot on a white background

Start: Prenzlau, Finish: Seehausen

Route: Prenzlau – Boitzenburg – Templin – Ringenwalde – Angermünde – Seehausen

Points of interest along the route:

Dominican monastery in Prenzlau, Unteruckersee (Brandenburg’s third biggest natural lake), sculpture park at Mündesee, historic town centre of Angermünde, Templin with its 1,735 metres long town wall with gates and guard houses, Boitzenburg Castle & Lenné Park


ADFC-Regionalkarte Uckermark mit Tagestouren-Vorschlägen, 1:75,000, Bielefelder Verlag, 1st edition (April 6, 2016), ISBN: 978-3-87073-745-0, Euro 8.95
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The 155 kilometre hiking route with its 8 stages starts in Prenzlau. It goes through two of the Uckermark’s three National Natural Landscapes: the Uckermärkische Seen Nature Park and the Schorfheide-Chorin Biosphere Reserve.
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  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Prenzlau Unteruckersee, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Naugartener See, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Klosterruine Boitzenburg, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde Stadtmauerrundgang Templin, Foto: Anet Hoppe
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, bei Ringenwalde, Foto: Silke Rumpelt, Foto: Silke Rumpelt
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Wolletzsee, Foto: Anja Warning
  • Uckermärker Landrunde, Franziskaner Klosterkirche Angermünde, Foto: Anet Hoppe
Ospreys, white-tailed and lesser spotted eagles, black storks, European pond terrapins, otters and kingfishers are just a few of the many rare species that keen observers can spot in the nature park with its many bodies of water. After crossing the dense woods of the Schorfheide, the route continues in the biosphere reserve. In addition to the natural landscape, visitors will also enjoy the detailed, historically evolved cultivated landscape. With its fields and pastures dotted with shrubs, old villages and cobbled avenues, the area feels a world apart from everyday worries.

Length: 155 kilometres, 8 stages (14 to 25 kilometres per day)

Route sign: Red dot on a white background

Start: Prenzlau, Finish: Seehausen

Route: Prenzlau – Boitzenburg – Templin – Ringenwalde – Angermünde – Seehausen

Points of interest along the route:

Dominican monastery in Prenzlau, Unteruckersee (Brandenburg’s third biggest natural lake), sculpture park at Mündesee, historic town centre of Angermünde, Templin with its 1,735 metres long town wall with gates and guard houses, Boitzenburg Castle & Lenné Park


ADFC-Regionalkarte Uckermark mit Tagestouren-Vorschlägen, 1:75,000, Bielefelder Verlag, 1st edition (April 6, 2016), ISBN: 978-3-87073-745-0, Euro 8.95
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17291 Prenzlau

Wetter Heute, 26. 7.

17 20
broken clouds

  • Samstag
    16 23
  • Sonntag
    14 21


tmu Tourismus Marketing Uckermark GmbH

Stettiner Straße 19
17291 Prenzlau

Tel.: +49 (0) 3984-835883
Fax: +49 (0) 3984-835885

Wetter Heute, 26. 7.

17 20
broken clouds

  • Samstag
    16 23
  • Sonntag
    14 21

All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend that you inquire about the current status by phone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

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