The Jakobs Tour - from Beelitz to Schäpe - A journey of discovery through asparagus country

Bike tours
Length: 28 km
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Length: 28 km
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
This tour combines active leisure with culture and culinary delights. From year to year, the asparagus region around Beelitz continues to develop. The Jakobs brothers and their team are proud to be part of this adventure. The farms are more and more beautiful, regional culture is blossoming in its creative diversity, businesses in the region are growing and expanding, each in their own direction and yet together. The high quality of the asparagus and respect for the natural surroundings, without which none of this would be possible, are particularly close to the farmers’ hearts. The Jakobs Tour is a small journey of discovery through this region and takes you to places that define Beelitz’s rural culture and are also popular outside the asparagus season. 
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  • Jakobs-Hof in Beelitz, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Alte Posthalterei in Beelitz, Foto: Thomas Lähn
  • Postausstellung, Foto: Museum Alte Posthalterei Beelitz
  • 5 Minutenmuseum in Schäpe, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Jakobs Hof in Schäpe, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Hühnerhof im Wald, Foto: Beelitzer Frischei GmbH
  • Spargelbrunnen, Foto: Stadt Beelitz
  • Schinkel Kirche, Foto: Förderverein Schinkel-Kirche Schäpe
  • Spargelfeld, Foto: Jürgen Weyrich
  • Nieplitz, Foto: Gérard Lorenz
  • Landstraße, Foto: Foto: Gérard Lorenz
  • Spargelkopf, Foto: Jürgen Weyrich
Length: 28 kilometres (two and a half hours)

Start/Finish: Bahnhof Beelitz train station (Stadt)

Logo/Route sign: not specified

How to get there: From Berlin Wannsee, take the RB33 (Jüterbog) to Beelitz-Stadt (about one and a half hours).

Route: Beelitz, Schlunkendorf, Salzbrunn, Schäpe, Beelitz

Points of interest/background information:
  • Beelitz: Asparagus museum, Bockwindmühle post mill, Beelitz’s historic town centre and tourist information centre, and the Alte Posthalterei posting station
  • Salzbrunn: Nieplitztaler Exoten exotic farm, Künstleratelier José Nuevo
  • Schäpe: The five minute museum, Schinkel Kirche church
  • Beelitz: Beelitzer Frischei E.G. 

Culinary treats along the way:

The following hosts invite you to stay for a while:
  • Beelitz: Jakobs Hof Beelitz
  • Salzbrunn: Landfleischerei Bellrich
  • Schäpe: Jakobs Hof Schäpe and Jakobs Landmotel
  • Beelitz: Jakob’s;

Conditions of the trail/surface: not specified


  • Rad-, Wander- und Gewässerkarte Havelseen 3: Werder-Potsdam: Mit Fahrland, Glindow, Geltow, Caputh, Ferch, Michendorf", 1:35.000, Verlag: grünes herz, Auflage: 6 (2010), ISBN-13: 978-3929993936, Euro 3.95
  • Potsdam - Havelland - Fläming: Fahrradkarte. GPS-genau, 1:70000, KOMPASS-Karten; Auflage: 3 (1. März 2016), ISBN-13: 978-3850262729, Euro 7.99
  • Radwander- und Wanderkarte Potsdamer Havelseen, Blütenstadt Werder und Umgebung: Ausflüge zwischen Ketzin, Michendorf und dem Grunewald", 1:35.000, Verlag Barthel, A; Auflage: 4 (1. Mai 2014), ISBN-13: 978-3895910883, Euro 4.90
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This tour combines active leisure with culture and culinary delights. From year to year, the asparagus region around Beelitz continues to develop. The Jakobs brothers and their team are proud to be part of this adventure. The farms are more and more beautiful, regional culture is blossoming in its creative diversity, businesses in the region are growing and expanding, each in their own direction and yet together. The high quality of the asparagus and respect for the natural surroundings, without which none of this would be possible, are particularly close to the farmers’ hearts. The Jakobs Tour is a small journey of discovery through this region and takes you to places that define Beelitz’s rural culture and are also popular outside the asparagus season. 
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  • Jakobs-Hof in Beelitz, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Alte Posthalterei in Beelitz, Foto: Thomas Lähn
  • Postausstellung, Foto: Museum Alte Posthalterei Beelitz
  • 5 Minutenmuseum in Schäpe, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Jakobs Hof in Schäpe, Foto: Josef Jakobs Spargelhof GbR
  • Hühnerhof im Wald, Foto: Beelitzer Frischei GmbH
  • Spargelbrunnen, Foto: Stadt Beelitz
  • Schinkel Kirche, Foto: Förderverein Schinkel-Kirche Schäpe
  • Spargelfeld, Foto: Jürgen Weyrich
  • Nieplitz, Foto: Gérard Lorenz
  • Landstraße, Foto: Foto: Gérard Lorenz
Length: 28 kilometres (two and a half hours)

Start/Finish: Bahnhof Beelitz train station (Stadt)

Logo/Route sign: not specified

How to get there: From Berlin Wannsee, take the RB33 (Jüterbog) to Beelitz-Stadt (about one and a half hours).

Route: Beelitz, Schlunkendorf, Salzbrunn, Schäpe, Beelitz

Points of interest/background information:
  • Beelitz: Asparagus museum, Bockwindmühle post mill, Beelitz’s historic town centre and tourist information centre, and the Alte Posthalterei posting station
  • Salzbrunn: Nieplitztaler Exoten exotic farm, Künstleratelier José Nuevo
  • Schäpe: The five minute museum, Schinkel Kirche church
  • Beelitz: Beelitzer Frischei E.G. 

Culinary treats along the way:

The following hosts invite you to stay for a while:
  • Beelitz: Jakobs Hof Beelitz
  • Salzbrunn: Landfleischerei Bellrich
  • Schäpe: Jakobs Hof Schäpe and Jakobs Landmotel
  • Beelitz: Jakob’s;

Conditions of the trail/surface: not specified


  • Rad-, Wander- und Gewässerkarte Havelseen 3: Werder-Potsdam: Mit Fahrland, Glindow, Geltow, Caputh, Ferch, Michendorf", 1:35.000, Verlag: grünes herz, Auflage: 6 (2010), ISBN-13: 978-3929993936, Euro 3.95
  • Potsdam - Havelland - Fläming: Fahrradkarte. GPS-genau, 1:70000, KOMPASS-Karten; Auflage: 3 (1. März 2016), ISBN-13: 978-3850262729, Euro 7.99
  • Radwander- und Wanderkarte Potsdamer Havelseen, Blütenstadt Werder und Umgebung: Ausflüge zwischen Ketzin, Michendorf und dem Grunewald", 1:35.000, Verlag Barthel, A; Auflage: 4 (1. Mai 2014), ISBN-13: 978-3895910883, Euro 4.90
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Arrival planner

Zum Bahnhof

14547 Beelitz

Weather Today, 24. 1.

6 8
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  • Saturday
    7 11
  • Sunday
    2 6

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Fläming e.V.

Zum Bahnhof 9
14547 Beelitz

Tel.: +49 (0) 33204-62870
Fax: +49 (0) 33204-618761

Weather Today, 24. 1.

6 8
overcast clouds

  • Saturday
    7 11
  • Sunday
    2 6

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