15th stage “66-Seen-Wanderweg”: Zum Faulen Luch, walking trail

Hiking tours
Length: 31 km
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Length: 31 km
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
This stage, which is the longest but extremely varied stage with ever-changing landscapes passes alternately through forests, wide fields, villages and, of course, past watercourses. The trail reaches a maximum height of 58 metres above sea level and a minimum height of 37 metres above sea level, with 80 metres of ascent and 81 metres of descent.
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  • Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
  • Denkbänkchen in Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
  • Weite Felder zwischen Wünsdorf und Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./C. Wittig
  • Wünsdorf © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
  • Krummer See bei Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
Length: 31 kilometres (8 hours)

Start: Wünsdorf

End: Trebbin

Logo/route sign: Blue circle against a white background

How to get there: Take the RE5 regional trail from Berlin Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Wünsdorf (about 1 hour).

Return journey: From Trebbin take the RE3 regional trail (Stralsund) to Berlin central station (approximately 30 minutes).

Route: Wünsdorf, Sperenberg, Kummersdorf, Trebbin

Route description: Sperenberg features an observation tower on the Gipsberg hill at a height of just under 80 metres offering impressive distant vistas. The former gypsum quarries have a certain charm with their steep and deeply sloping edges. The silent and deep lakes are marvellous especially in clear weather as deep, dark green shimmering water-filled craters. The area was once used for gypsum mining. The interesting “Boden-Geo-Pfad” geoscientific educational trail provides information on the different soils and rocks. Interested visitors can now experience the art of sculpting on a taster course at Sperenberg railway station on the former Royal Prussian Military railway line. The trail continues onto Lake Großer Gadsdorfer See lying at the foot of the Höllenberg hill, surrounded by picturesque fields and woodland. Continue along the trail via Christinendorf with its Baroque village church to Trebbin, home of the legendary Brandenburg Mark rogue Hans Clauert.

  • Sperenberg: Observation tower on the Gipsberg hill, Boden-Geo-Pfad geoscientific educational trail, sculpture courses at the railway station
  • Christinendorf: village church

Possible combinations: Boden-Geo-Path

Trail conditions / Surface: not specified


  • "66-Seen-Weg, Hikeline Wanderführer", 1:50.000, Verlag: Esterbauer, Auflage: 2 (2012), ISBN-13: 978-3850005012, Euro 14.90
  • "Wander- und Radwanderkarte 66-Seen-Weg: Zu den Naturschönheiten rund um Berlin", 1:50.000, Verlag: Barthel, A., Auflage: 2 (1. Oktober 2011), ISBN-13: 978-3895911552, Euro 7.90
  • Reschke, Manfred: Die 66-Seen-Wanderung. Zu den Naturschönheiten rund um Berlin", Trescher Verlag; Auflage 8, aktual. A. (2017), ISBN 978-3-89794-369-8 (www.trescher-verlag.de/reisefuehrer/deutschland/66-seen-wanderung.html)
  • "Topographische Karte Blatt 3846 Wünsdorf", 1:25.000, Verlag: Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg, Auflage: Nachdruck. (Dezember 2014), ISBN 3-7490-3367-6, Euro 5
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This stage, which is the longest but extremely varied stage with ever-changing landscapes passes alternately through forests, wide fields, villages and, of course, past watercourses. The trail reaches a maximum height of 58 metres above sea level and a minimum height of 37 metres above sea level, with 80 metres of ascent and 81 metres of descent.
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  • Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
  • Denkbänkchen in Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
  • Weite Felder zwischen Wünsdorf und Sperenberg © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./C. Wittig
  • Wünsdorf © Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./A.Stein
Length: 31 kilometres (8 hours)

Start: Wünsdorf

End: Trebbin

Logo/route sign: Blue circle against a white background

How to get there: Take the RE5 regional trail from Berlin Central Station (Hauptbahnhof) to Wünsdorf (about 1 hour).

Return journey: From Trebbin take the RE3 regional trail (Stralsund) to Berlin central station (approximately 30 minutes).

Route: Wünsdorf, Sperenberg, Kummersdorf, Trebbin

Route description: Sperenberg features an observation tower on the Gipsberg hill at a height of just under 80 metres offering impressive distant vistas. The former gypsum quarries have a certain charm with their steep and deeply sloping edges. The silent and deep lakes are marvellous especially in clear weather as deep, dark green shimmering water-filled craters. The area was once used for gypsum mining. The interesting “Boden-Geo-Pfad” geoscientific educational trail provides information on the different soils and rocks. Interested visitors can now experience the art of sculpting on a taster course at Sperenberg railway station on the former Royal Prussian Military railway line. The trail continues onto Lake Großer Gadsdorfer See lying at the foot of the Höllenberg hill, surrounded by picturesque fields and woodland. Continue along the trail via Christinendorf with its Baroque village church to Trebbin, home of the legendary Brandenburg Mark rogue Hans Clauert.

  • Sperenberg: Observation tower on the Gipsberg hill, Boden-Geo-Pfad geoscientific educational trail, sculpture courses at the railway station
  • Christinendorf: village church

Possible combinations: Boden-Geo-Path

Trail conditions / Surface: not specified


  • "66-Seen-Weg, Hikeline Wanderführer", 1:50.000, Verlag: Esterbauer, Auflage: 2 (2012), ISBN-13: 978-3850005012, Euro 14.90
  • "Wander- und Radwanderkarte 66-Seen-Weg: Zu den Naturschönheiten rund um Berlin", 1:50.000, Verlag: Barthel, A., Auflage: 2 (1. Oktober 2011), ISBN-13: 978-3895911552, Euro 7.90
  • Reschke, Manfred: Die 66-Seen-Wanderung. Zu den Naturschönheiten rund um Berlin", Trescher Verlag; Auflage 8, aktual. A. (2017), ISBN 978-3-89794-369-8 (www.trescher-verlag.de/reisefuehrer/deutschland/66-seen-wanderung.html)
  • "Topographische Karte Blatt 3846 Wünsdorf", 1:25.000, Verlag: Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation Brandenburg, Auflage: Nachdruck. (Dezember 2014), ISBN 3-7490-3367-6, Euro 5
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Arrival planner

Am Bahnhof

15858 Wünsdorf-Waldstadt

Weather Today, 7. 2.

1 4
overcast clouds

  • Saturday
    -1 5
  • Sunday
    -1 6

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Fläming e.V.

Zum Bahnhof 9
14547 Beelitz

Tel.: +49 (0) 33204-62870
Fax: +49 (0) 33204-618761

Weather Today, 7. 2.

1 4
overcast clouds

  • Saturday
    -1 5
  • Sunday
    -1 6

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+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

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