We offer you

pets-friendly Pet-friendly
Car parking

Familien- und Freizeithotel Gutshaus Petkus

Hotel, Bed & Breakfasts etc.
9 Ratings of 5 (9)
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Familien- und Freizeithotel Gutshaus Petkus

9 Ratings
Visitors, on 30.10.2022
Overall impression
Berndt, on 03.08.2022
Overall impression


Die vielen Spielmöglichkeiten im Außengelände für die Kinder.
Die schönen Zimmer.


Da es bei uns sehr warm war und auch auf den Zimmern wäre ein Minikühlschrank angebracht wo man seine Getränke oder kleine Snacks lagern könnte. Und die Duschbrause sollte gewechselt werden für unsere Kinder war es sehr unangenehm.

Lucia, on 31.07.2022
Overall impression


Der Spielplatz vor der Haustür.


Gerne hätte das Frühstück etwas eher angeboten werden für uns als Frühaufsteher. Die Gardinen haben das Zimmer kaum abgedunkelt.

Kathrin Gailer, on 20.06.2022
Overall impression
Visitors, on 20.08.2021
Overall impression


Familien/Kinder freundlich


1. Mücken/ersten Tag könnte nicht ruhig schlafen.
2. Das Frühstück entsprach nicht den Erwartungen

Visitors, on 22.02.2021
Overall impression
Visitors, on 26.10.2020
Overall impression
Visitors, on 22.10.2020
Overall impression


1.Super Spielzimmer für die Kinder
2.Schöne rustikale /Landhaus-Austattung
3.Toller Spielplatz im Garten


1. Etwas hellhörig aus dem Nachbarzimmer

We offer you

pets-friendly Pet-friendly
Car parking
From € 135,04
p.E./N, DZ, FR
Show availability & price

p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board

The newly refurbished farm house is ideally suited for families and small groups. It is located by the 200km long cycling and skating path "Fläming-Skate" (information regarding the Fläming-Skate can be found under www.flaeming-skate.de). The estate is close to numerous excursion options  - whether they are by foot or by bicycle. Addtionally, guests can take advantage of the sports ground and the beach volleyball court. Moreover, the hotel provides a recreation room and business meeting rooms. Children can enjoy themselves in the 100sq.m playroom. After trips away or exercising, the café-restaurant with a conservatory will fill empty stomachs. Additionally, there is also an informative herbal garden and a tearoom on-site. The farm house has been certified with a service quality of level 1 ("Servicequalität Land Brandenburg Stufe I").
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  • Gutshaus Petkus von außen
  • Restaurant Theke
  • Restaurant Gastraum II
  • Restaurant Gastraum I
  • Flammkuchen
  • Salat
  • Familienzimmer
  • Doppelzimmer
  • Außenansicht mit Spielplatz
  • Sommergarten mit Familie
  • Skater auf der Flaeming Skate
  • Volleyball
  • Mähdrescher
  • Seilbahn auf dem Spielplatz
  • Tagen und Feiern großer Raum
  • kleiner Seminarraum
  • Lagerfeuer
  • Gutshaus Petkus im Schnee
  • Außenansicht mit Spielplatz

The newly refurbished farm house is ideally suited for families and small groups. It is located by the 200km long cycling and skating path "Fläming-Skate" (information regarding the Fläming-Skate can be found under www.flaeming-skate.de). The estate is close to numerous excursion options  - whether they are by foot or by bicycle. Addtionally, guests can take advantage of the sports ground and the beach volleyball court. Moreover, the hotel provides a recreation room and business meeting rooms. Children can enjoy themselves in the 100sq.m playroom. After trips away or exercising, the café-restaurant with a conservatory will fill empty stomachs. Additionally, there is also an informative herbal garden and a tearoom on-site. The farm house has been certified with a service quality of level 1 ("Servicequalität Land Brandenburg Stufe I").
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  • Gutshaus Petkus von außen
  • Restaurant Theke
  • Restaurant Gastraum II
  • Restaurant Gastraum I
  • Flammkuchen
  • Salat
  • Familienzimmer
  • Doppelzimmer
  • Außenansicht mit Spielplatz
  • Sommergarten mit Familie
  • Skater auf der Flaeming Skate
  • Volleyball
  • Mähdrescher
  • Seilbahn auf dem Spielplatz
  • Tagen und Feiern großer Raum
  • kleiner Seminarraum
  • Lagerfeuer
  • Gutshaus Petkus im Schnee
  • https://api.tmb.pixelpoint.biz//api/tomas/asset/TMB00020080000277802-GER00020060004955376-TMB00020080020420146/thumbnail/800/600.jpg

Availability & prices


Child 1

Child 2

Child 3

Child 4

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In case your enquiry did not result in a booking, we will be getting in touch with you as quickly as possible during our service hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at service@reiseland-brandenburg.de.

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What to know ...


  • Arrival and check-in: Until 6.00pm or in accordance to prior agreement

  • departure and check-out: Until 11.00am.

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Arrival description

  • By car: Petkus is approx. 55 km South of Berlin, close-by the B 115 in between Baruth/Mark and Jüterbog

  • the best way to access to the estate is via the motorway/Autobahn A 13 (Berlin-Dresden) exit Baruth/Mark or Autobahn A 9 (Berlin-Leipzig), exit Treuenbrietzen, Jüterbog. By public transport: hourly regional express train stop in Baruth/Mark or Luckenwalde, from there - take the bus to Petkus. On Saturdays and Sundays, there is a "Rufbus" along the flaeming-skate (for information regarding this bus, please call: +49 (0) 3371-62810

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Terms /misc.

  • Your host may ask for a deposit and will get in touch with you directly. Please note that the prices do not include the visitor's tax. This is payable separately on arrival.

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Arrival planner

Merzdorfer Straße 36

15837 Baruth OT Petkus

Weather Today, 9. 2.

-2 5
overcast clouds

  • Monday
    -1 5
  • Tuesday
    -2 4

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Fläming e.V.

Zum Bahnhof 9
14547 Beelitz

Tel.: +49 (0) 33204-62870
Fax: +49 (0) 33204-618761

Weather Today, 9. 2.

-2 5
overcast clouds

  • Monday
    -1 5
  • Tuesday
    -2 4

All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend that you inquire about the current status by phone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

Thank you for your enquiry!

In case your enquiry did not result in a booking, we will be getting in touch with you as quickly as possible during our service hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at service@reiseland-brandenburg.de.

Your information and travel agency service Brandenburg

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Your information and travel agency service Brandenburg

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