Ferienwohnungen Spiesmacher

Holiday rental flats etc.
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
Holiday apartments in Germany's first Star Park - in the Westhavelland Nature Park and near the Gülper Lake, a bird sanctuary of international importance. Take the time to listen to the nature concert in peace. Watch the Great Bustard Balm in spring and the resting cranes and Nordic geese in autumn. Let yourself be enchanted by the sparkling starry sky. As a certified nature and landscape guide in the Westhavelland Nature Park, the Spiesmacher family will be happy to show you the treasures of the surrounding area (e.g. the world's oldest airfield, Japanese garden, arboretum, main and country stud farm, ostrich farm, the Hanseatic city of Havelberg with its cathedral, Rathenow - city of optics and last but not least the Havel, which will be renatured in the coming years). In the village you will find a boat dock, a barbecue, a restaurant, a massage and beauty salon, a natural bathing place on the Havel and campfire place (with benches) where water hikers can also rest. You can go horseback riding, go for a ride in a carriage or a Kremser, rent a boat, get a fishing licence from a fisherman, have a snack or buy fresh and smoked fish. Your car will be parked in the private car park, for bicycles or motorbikes the accommodation has dry shelters. If you arrive by train, the landlords will be happy to pick you up. If you wish, breakfast can be served in the winter garden. The yard is barrier-free. In the natural garden you will find a campfire corner. Here Co2-neutral with Solarthermie, Photovoltaik, firewood is upheld.
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  • Außenansicht
  • Vogelzug im Havelland
  • Ferienwohnung Dachgeschoss
  • Hofansicht
  • Hausansicht
Holiday apartments in Germany's first Star Park - in the Westhavelland Nature Park and near the Gülper Lake, a bird sanctuary of international importance. Take the time to listen to the nature concert in peace. Watch the Great Bustard Balm in spring and the resting cranes and Nordic geese in autumn. Let yourself be enchanted by the sparkling starry sky. As a certified nature and landscape guide in the Westhavelland Nature Park, the Spiesmacher family will be happy to show you the treasures of the surrounding area (e.g. the world's oldest airfield, Japanese garden, arboretum, main and country stud farm, ostrich farm, the Hanseatic city of Havelberg with its cathedral, Rathenow - city of optics and last but not least the Havel, which will be renatured in the coming years). In the village you will find a boat dock, a barbecue, a restaurant, a massage and beauty salon, a natural bathing place on the Havel and campfire place (with benches) where water hikers can also rest. You can go horseback riding, go for a ride in a carriage or a Kremser, rent a boat, get a fishing licence from a fisherman, have a snack or buy fresh and smoked fish. Your car will be parked in the private car park, for bicycles or motorbikes the accommodation has dry shelters. If you arrive by train, the landlords will be happy to pick you up. If you wish, breakfast can be served in the winter garden. The yard is barrier-free. In the natural garden you will find a campfire corner. Here Co2-neutral with Solarthermie, Photovoltaik, firewood is upheld.
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  • Außenansicht
  • Vogelzug im Havelland
  • Ferienwohnung Dachgeschoss
  • Hofansicht

Comfort Information

  • Lodging
    Visitor parking
    • Distance of visitor parking to the entrance (in meters, approx.): 15
    • Level, trip-free flooring everywhere (inside and outside)
    • Everything is accessible at ground level / without stairs.
    Bathroom equipment
    • Floor level shower available
    Additional info
    • Beds with comfort height
    • Large movement area in the room

Arrival planner

Dorfstraße 1

14715 Havelaue OT Strodehne

Weather Today, 13. 2.

-2 1
light snow

  • Friday
    -3 2
  • Saturday
    -4 1

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Havelland e.V.

Theodor-Fontane-Straße 10
14641 Nauen OT Ribbeck

Tel.: +49 (0) 33237-859030
Fax: +49 (0) 33237-859040

Weather Today, 13. 2.

-2 1
light snow

  • Friday
    -3 2
  • Saturday
    -4 1

All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend that you inquire about the current status by phone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

Thank you for your enquiry!

In case your enquiry did not result in a booking, we will be getting in touch with you as quickly as possible during our service hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at service@reiseland-brandenburg.de.

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