• Europabrücke Neurüdnitz-Siekierki,
                Foto: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Szymon Nitka Europabrücke Neurüdnitz-Siekierki, Foto: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Szymon Nitka
    Welcome to Brandenburg

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    - All around Berlin -

Holidays & Excursions in Brandenburg We invite you to discover the surrounding area of Berlin.

Holidays & excursions in Brandenburg

Brandenburg is the region around the vibrant metropolis of Berlin. Discover the state capital Potsdam - with its palaces and gardens, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as Europe's largest river and lake landscape with more than 3,000 lakes and 33,000 kilometres of waterways.

Here you will find information and services for your holiday in Brandenburg. We will introduce you to the highlights of the state, make suggestions for your tours, from day trips to week-long round trips, and give you tips on event highlights.

Enjoy your virtual holiday and visit us in real life.

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Come and explore Brandenburg

  • 12 holiday regions invite you to visit Brandenburg. We will introduce you to the regions with their sights.
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    Gnevsdorfer Wehr an der Elbe, Foto: Tourismusverband Prignitz e.V./Markus Tiemann
Wellness & waterparks
Enjoy wellness and relaxation in Brandenburg's thermal spas or go on a water adventure with the family in one of the many waterparks around Berlin.
Enjoy wellness and relaxation in Brandenburg's thermal spas or go on a water adventure with the family in one of the many…
Enjoy wellness and relaxation in Brandenburg's thermal spas or go on a water adventure with the family in one of the many waterparks around Berlin.
Enjoy wellness and relaxation in Brandenburg's thermal spas or go on a water adventure with the family in one of the many waterparks around…
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Außenbecken der Spreewald Therme, Foto: Spreewald Therme GmbH/Kein Urheber bekannt
Hotels and holiday flats
Over 1000 hotels and holiday flats in Brandenburg: Find your favourite place to stay and book with us directly. We show you the most attractive accommodations.
Over 1000 hotels and holiday flats in Brandenburg: Find your favourite place to stay and book with us directly. We show you the…
Over 1000 hotels and holiday flats in Brandenburg: Find your favourite place to stay and book with us directly. We show you the most attractive accommodations.
Over 1000 hotels and holiday flats in Brandenburg: Find your favourite place to stay and book with us directly. We show you the most…
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Schloss Neuhardenberg, Foto: Stiftung Schloss Neuhardenberg/Fotokraftwerk
Museums & theme parks
Discover Brandenburg's museums and theme parks with interactive experiences and hands-on history for the whole family.
Discover Brandenburg's museums and theme parks with interactive experiences and hands-on history for the whole family.
Discover Brandenburg's museums and theme parks with interactive experiences and hands-on history for the whole family.
Discover Brandenburg's museums and theme parks with interactive experiences and hands-on history for the whole family.
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Besucher im Museum Barberini, Foto: TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH/Steffen Lehmann

Trips and excursions to Brandenburg

Active & nature

Active & nature Active & nature

Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
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Ein Abendspaziergang am Stechlinsee, Foto: Fotograf / Lizenz - Media Import/Wolfgang Ehn
Experience culture

Experience culture Experience culture Experience culture Experience culture

Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's industrial…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's industrial…
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Ausmalung St. Nikolaikirche Decke, Foto: Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./Jedrzej Marzecki

Events Events Events Events

We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest…
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
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Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge, Foto: Jens Wegener
Active & nature

Active & nature Active & nature

Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
Explore the vastness of Brandenburg by cycling, hiking or horse riding and visit picturesque gardens, parks and zoos.
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Ein Abendspaziergang am Stechlinsee, Foto: Fotograf / Lizenz - Media Import/Wolfgang Ehn
Experience culture

Experience culture Experience culture Experience culture Experience culture

Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's industrial…
Brandenburg is a state for cultural enthusiasts. Palaces, castles, and museums are there to be discovered. And Brandenburg's industrial…
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Ausmalung St. Nikolaikirche Decke, Foto: Tourismusverband Fläming e.V./Jedrzej Marzecki

Events Events Events Events

We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest…
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
We present to you event highlights in Brandenburg, culture, and nature at the highest level.
Mehr erfahren!
Elblandfestspiele Wittenberge, Foto: Jens Wegener
+49(0)331 2004747​ Wir sind telefonisch für Sie da: werktags Mo-Fr 9-13 Uhr und am 31.10. 10-13 Uhr.

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