A weir blocks the River Neiße at Groß Gastrose. Just before the weir, the channel branches of to the mill on the left. There are two portage options with the weir. You either take your boat out of the water on the left-hand side of the weir between the entrance to the channel and the River Neiße and put it back into the water directly beyond the weir, or use the exit to the left just before the entrance to the channel. The first option is more difficult as the River Neiße does not have much flow here and the flat water combined with a number of obstacles require some effort when paddling. The second option means that you can use the cycle path on the left bank of the channel for around 700 metres and then put the boats back into the water beyond the mill. The River Neiße has sufficient flow beyond the confluence between the channel and the river.
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