"Treffpunkt Adebar" Bicycle Tour

Bike tours
Length: 27 km
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Length: 27 km
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
Loud flapping accompanies cyclists on this route through the biosphere reserve on the River Elbe. After all, the Prignitz region is once of the regions of Germany with the highest population of storks. There is a rich supply of food for the storks on the water meadows alongside the wide river. With their often majestic flight, they show the cyclists, who start in Bad Wilsnack, the route to the most attractive observation points, and not just on the River Elbe. The River Havel also helps to shape this stretch of land, albeit only the last section before it joins the River Elbe. This natural spectacle takes place between Abbendorf and Gnevsdorf, where a powerful flood defence system regulates the volume of inflow from the River Havel.
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  • Wunderblutkirche Bad Wilsnack, Foto: StudioProkopy
  • Radler auf dem Elbdeich, Foto: StudioProkopy
  • Storch in der Elbtalaue, Foto: Kathleen Awe
  • Storchendorf Rühstädt, Foto: R. Baadke
  • Störche im Nest, Foto: LUGV Brandenburg 2011, Schormann
Length: 27

Start / finish: Bad Wilsnack

Logo/route sign: not specified

How to get there:
  • Train: From Berlin central station (Hauptbahnhof), take the EC176 Euro City train (Hamburg-Altona) to Wittenberge. From here, continue on the RE2 (rapid transit train) (Cottbus) to Bad Wilsnack (about one hour).
  • Car: From Berlin, take the A24, B189 and B107 to Bad Wilsnack (about two hours).

Route: Bad Wilsnack, Abbendorf, Gnevsdorf, Rühstädt, Groß Lüben, Bad Wilsnack

Points of interest/background information:

  • Bad Wilsnack: former pilgrimage church of St. Nikolai with the Shrine of the Holy Blood
  • Churches in Abbendorf and Groß Lüben, Quitzowkirche Church in Rühstädt
  • Gnevsdorf: Weir of the River Havel receiving water course at the confluence of the rivers Havel and Elbe
  • Rühstädt (European Stork Village): stork houses and Stork Club, photo opportunity in Rühstädt (panoramic view over the village from a platform), Visitor information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Elbe-Brandenburg River Landscape” with the NABU (German environmental organisation) exhibition “Stork Globetrotters”, palace and Palace Park

Possible combinations

  • Elbe Cycle Path
  • Bischofstour
  • Elbe-Müritz Circular Trail
  • Havel Cycle Path
  • Tour Brandenburg

Trail conditions/surface: not specified


  • ADFC Regionalkarte Radlerparadies Prignitz, 1:75 000, Bielefelder Verlag, 1. Auflage (8. April 2015) , ISBN 978-3-87073-674-3, Euro 8.95
  • Radkarte Prignitz, 1:75.000, Verlag Esterbauer, 1. Auflage (1. Juni 2009), ISBN 978-3-85000-183-0, Euro 3.78
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Loud flapping accompanies cyclists on this route through the biosphere reserve on the River Elbe. After all, the Prignitz region is once of the regions of Germany with the highest population of storks. There is a rich supply of food for the storks on the water meadows alongside the wide river. With their often majestic flight, they show the cyclists, who start in Bad Wilsnack, the route to the most attractive observation points, and not just on the River Elbe. The River Havel also helps to shape this stretch of land, albeit only the last section before it joins the River Elbe. This natural spectacle takes place between Abbendorf and Gnevsdorf, where a powerful flood defence system regulates the volume of inflow from the River Havel.
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  • Wunderblutkirche Bad Wilsnack, Foto: StudioProkopy
  • Radler auf dem Elbdeich, Foto: StudioProkopy
  • Storch in der Elbtalaue, Foto: Kathleen Awe
  • Storchendorf Rühstädt, Foto: R. Baadke
Length: 27

Start / finish: Bad Wilsnack

Logo/route sign: not specified

How to get there:
  • Train: From Berlin central station (Hauptbahnhof), take the EC176 Euro City train (Hamburg-Altona) to Wittenberge. From here, continue on the RE2 (rapid transit train) (Cottbus) to Bad Wilsnack (about one hour).
  • Car: From Berlin, take the A24, B189 and B107 to Bad Wilsnack (about two hours).

Route: Bad Wilsnack, Abbendorf, Gnevsdorf, Rühstädt, Groß Lüben, Bad Wilsnack

Points of interest/background information:

  • Bad Wilsnack: former pilgrimage church of St. Nikolai with the Shrine of the Holy Blood
  • Churches in Abbendorf and Groß Lüben, Quitzowkirche Church in Rühstädt
  • Gnevsdorf: Weir of the River Havel receiving water course at the confluence of the rivers Havel and Elbe
  • Rühstädt (European Stork Village): stork houses and Stork Club, photo opportunity in Rühstädt (panoramic view over the village from a platform), Visitor information centre for the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Elbe-Brandenburg River Landscape” with the NABU (German environmental organisation) exhibition “Stork Globetrotters”, palace and Palace Park

Possible combinations

  • Elbe Cycle Path
  • Bischofstour
  • Elbe-Müritz Circular Trail
  • Havel Cycle Path
  • Tour Brandenburg

Trail conditions/surface: not specified


  • ADFC Regionalkarte Radlerparadies Prignitz, 1:75 000, Bielefelder Verlag, 1. Auflage (8. April 2015) , ISBN 978-3-87073-674-3, Euro 8.95
  • Radkarte Prignitz, 1:75.000, Verlag Esterbauer, 1. Auflage (1. Juni 2009), ISBN 978-3-85000-183-0, Euro 3.78
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Arrival planner

Bahnstr. 12

19336 Bad Wilsnack

Weather Today, 12. 2.

-3 3
overcast clouds

  • Thursday
    -2 1
  • Friday
    -5 1

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Prignitz e.V.

Großer Markt 4
19348 Perleberg

Tel.: +49 (0) 3876-30741920
Fax: +49 (0) 3876-30741929

Weather Today, 12. 2.

-3 3
overcast clouds

  • Thursday
    -2 1
  • Friday
    -5 1

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