Sculpture circuit hiking trail around Lake Dagowsee

Hiking tours
Length: 4 km
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Length: 4 km
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"Dragonfly", "Fish Cat", "Sundew" or "Charon" - these are the names of some of the eleven different wooden sculptures that can be found along the 4.5-kilometer-long sculpture circuit around Lake Dagowsee. They were created by international artists who participated in two symposia. Their themes: "Between water and land" and "Biological diversity - moorland protection - climate" - nothing could be more fitting for the fascinating forest and moorland landscape around Lake Dagowsee, which is part of the Stechlin nature reserve.
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Length: 4.5 kilometers
Start/Finish: Parking lot at the Stechlinsee-Center, Neuglobsow
Places along the route: Neuglobsow, Dagow
Marking: Waymarking as secondary hiking trail (rape yellow bar on pure white background)
Arrival/departure by bus: Line 836 from Gransee train station to Neuglobsow

Route description / things to see and know:

The starting point of the tour is the Stechlinsee Center in Neuglobsow. Here you can already discover the first works of art: "Libelle" (engl. "Dragonfly") by the Zehdenick artist Uwe Thamm as well as the "Gaukler" (engl. "Juggler") by Stephan Möller from Berlin. Now the path follows the shore of the Dagosee counterclockwise. At the landing stage of Lake Dagow, located on the eastern shore, the "Stele" stands out, a work by the Azerbaijani artist Chavarch Khatchaturian. From here, it is worth taking a detour to the cemetery, which is a protected monument. Theodor Fontane already reported on the historic gravesite "Meta's Ruh" in his "Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg". The path leads along the Dorfstraße to the end of the village, where Kuno Lomas' sculpture "Homer" catches the eye. Here the route turns left. Along the forest path, with the lake shore on the left, the spectacular work of Robert Günther from Lychen catches the eye - the "Sonnentau" (engl. "Sundew"). The model for the artist was the carnivorous plant of the same name, which only occurs in moorland locations such as the nearby Dagowseebruch.

The following work by Gudrun Lomas from Klein Mutz is borrowed from Greek mythology: "Charon". Her depiction of the ferryman who guides the dead to the underworld is inspired by Iron Age princelings who buried their kings in boats perpendicular to the moor.

Next, you will be surprised by a mystical creature of special charm: the "Quellennymphe" (engl. "Spring Nymph") created by Neuruppin artist Jens Kanitz. She emerges from the Dagowbruch: once a lake - the Little Dagowsee - the open expanse of water disappeared about 150 years ago when an artificial connection was made between the Great and Little Dagowsee and the Great Stechlinsee.

At the turnoff to the Fenchelberg, Kuno Lomas' "Fischkatze" (engl. "Fish Cat") awaits walkers, a work alluding to the Böttcher fishery located nearby. Following the path, "Mexxie II" by Kuno Lomas greets bathers at the Neuglobsow bathing beach. From here it goes back through the village. In the courtyard of the 200-year-old glassmaker's house, which has been restored according to historical models, the sculpture "Transformation" by the Ponzian artist Danuta Dabrowska can be admired. Back to the starting point of the tour, the colorful "Königin der Nacht" (engl. "Queen of the Night") by Gudrun Lomas shines from afar on the slope to the Great Dagowsee. The tour ends at the Stechlinsee Center.
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"Dragonfly", "Fish Cat", "Sundew" or "Charon" - these are the names of some of the eleven different wooden sculptures that can be found along the 4.5-kilometer-long sculpture circuit around Lake Dagowsee. They were created by international artists who participated in two symposia. Their themes: "Between water and land" and "Biological diversity - moorland protection - climate" - nothing could be more fitting for the fascinating forest and moorland landscape around Lake Dagowsee, which is part of the Stechlin nature reserve.
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Length: 4.5 kilometers
Start/Finish: Parking lot at the Stechlinsee-Center, Neuglobsow
Places along the route: Neuglobsow, Dagow
Marking: Waymarking as secondary hiking trail (rape yellow bar on pure white background)
Arrival/departure by bus: Line 836 from Gransee train station to Neuglobsow

Route description / things to see and know:

The starting point of the tour is the Stechlinsee Center in Neuglobsow. Here you can already discover the first works of art: "Libelle" (engl. "Dragonfly") by the Zehdenick artist Uwe Thamm as well as the "Gaukler" (engl. "Juggler") by Stephan Möller from Berlin. Now the path follows the shore of the Dagosee counterclockwise. At the landing stage of Lake Dagow, located on the eastern shore, the "Stele" stands out, a work by the Azerbaijani artist Chavarch Khatchaturian. From here, it is worth taking a detour to the cemetery, which is a protected monument. Theodor Fontane already reported on the historic gravesite "Meta's Ruh" in his "Wanderungen durch die Mark Brandenburg". The path leads along the Dorfstraße to the end of the village, where Kuno Lomas' sculpture "Homer" catches the eye. Here the route turns left. Along the forest path, with the lake shore on the left, the spectacular work of Robert Günther from Lychen catches the eye - the "Sonnentau" (engl. "Sundew"). The model for the artist was the carnivorous plant of the same name, which only occurs in moorland locations such as the nearby Dagowseebruch.

The following work by Gudrun Lomas from Klein Mutz is borrowed from Greek mythology: "Charon". Her depiction of the ferryman who guides the dead to the underworld is inspired by Iron Age princelings who buried their kings in boats perpendicular to the moor.

Next, you will be surprised by a mystical creature of special charm: the "Quellennymphe" (engl. "Spring Nymph") created by Neuruppin artist Jens Kanitz. She emerges from the Dagowbruch: once a lake - the Little Dagowsee - the open expanse of water disappeared about 150 years ago when an artificial connection was made between the Great and Little Dagowsee and the Great Stechlinsee.

At the turnoff to the Fenchelberg, Kuno Lomas' "Fischkatze" (engl. "Fish Cat") awaits walkers, a work alluding to the Böttcher fishery located nearby. Following the path, "Mexxie II" by Kuno Lomas greets bathers at the Neuglobsow bathing beach. From here it goes back through the village. In the courtyard of the 200-year-old glassmaker's house, which has been restored according to historical models, the sculpture "Transformation" by the Ponzian artist Danuta Dabrowska can be admired. Back to the starting point of the tour, the colorful "Königin der Nacht" (engl. "Queen of the Night") by Gudrun Lomas shines from afar on the slope to the Great Dagowsee. The tour ends at the Stechlinsee Center.
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Arrival planner

Stechlinseestraße 17

16775 Neuglobsow

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Tourist information

Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland e. V.

Fischbänkenstraße 8
16816 Neuruppin

Tel.: +49 (0) 3391-659630
Fax: +49 (0) 3391-659632

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