Groß Schauener Seenkette (fishing lake)

Fishing waters
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The Groß Schauen chain of lakes comprises a total of six shallow lakes in the municipality of Storkow and has been subject to special regulations of the nature reserve of the same name since 2000. The protected ecology of the lakes and surrounding areas is impressive: bitterns, great crested grebes, mute swans and ospreys can be found here, and the chain of lakes is also a resting and wintering area for many migratory birds.
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  • Seerosen, Wasser, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
  • Sonnenuntergang, Natur, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
  • Details, Angel, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
  • Seenkette, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
Grass snakes, common toads and water frogs can also be found here, as well as otters and beavers. Sea and pond roses, water irises, sundew and royal ferns, to name but a few, thrive in the lakes and adjacent wetlands.

The wealth of species continues below the surface of the water. Almost all Central European fish species of angling interest can be found in the waters of Schaplowsee, Großer Schauener See, Großer Wochowsee, Großer Selchower See, Schweriner See and Bugker See, covering a total area of around 1,000 hectares. The main fish species are eel, pike, carp and zander.

However, the protection of the Groß Schauen chain of lakes and the surrounding areas has a significant impact on fishing. Fishing from a boat is restricted to the waters of Groß Schauener See and Alter Wochowsee. On all six bodies of water, fishing is only permitted from certain bathing spots designated in the "Groß Schauener Seenkette" nature reserve ordinance. .
  • Size/depth: 960 hectares, 4 metres
  • Tenant/operator: Naturgut Köllnitz
  • Fish species: zander, pike, tench, common bream, other whitefish
  • Sale of fishing permits: Farm store of the Naturgut Köllnitz

No need to be put off. On the western shore of the Großer Schauener See is the Naturgut Köllnitz with an adjoining hotel, restaurant and the Sielmann Forum, an interactive exhibition.

Sielmann Forum, an interactive exhibition organized by the Heinz Sielmann Foundation. Here you can marvel at various specimens of the fish species found here. The nature estate also issues fishing licenses and provides boats for hire.

You can also launch your rowing boat on the grounds of the nature reserve and cast your line in the area marked with buoys. That's around 150 hectares of water!

The average depth of the water is two meters, which is home to large zander. The largest specimens weighed in at just under ten kilos. But eels of over 90 centimetres and heavyweight carp are also frequently caught in the Groß Schauener See - despite the ban on night fishing.

Only club members are allowed to fish from boats on the Alter Wochowsee; there is no provision for bank fishing. The island at the southern end of the Alter Wochowsee is a special feature worth mentioning. In the period from 01.03. to 15.07. of each year, a distance of at least 200 meters must be maintained and access is prohibited all year round. The reason: the island is used intensively as a cormorant colony. On the other waters, fishing opportunities are limited to a few designated spots. Admittedly, there is little room for anglers in the Groß Schauener Seenkette nature reserve. Admittedly, there is little room for anglers in the Groß Schauener Seenkette nature reserve.

Species conservation, animal protection and nature conservation have priority here.
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The Groß Schauen chain of lakes comprises a total of six shallow lakes in the municipality of Storkow and has been subject to special regulations of the nature reserve of the same name since 2000. The protected ecology of the lakes and surrounding areas is impressive: bitterns, great crested grebes, mute swans and ospreys can be found here, and the chain of lakes is also a resting and wintering area for many migratory birds.
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  • Seerosen, Wasser, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
  • Sonnenuntergang, Natur, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
  • Details, Angel, Foto: Florian Läufer, Lizenz: Seenland Oder-Spree
Grass snakes, common toads and water frogs can also be found here, as well as otters and beavers. Sea and pond roses, water irises, sundew and royal ferns, to name but a few, thrive in the lakes and adjacent wetlands.

The wealth of species continues below the surface of the water. Almost all Central European fish species of angling interest can be found in the waters of Schaplowsee, Großer Schauener See, Großer Wochowsee, Großer Selchower See, Schweriner See and Bugker See, covering a total area of around 1,000 hectares. The main fish species are eel, pike, carp and zander.

However, the protection of the Groß Schauen chain of lakes and the surrounding areas has a significant impact on fishing. Fishing from a boat is restricted to the waters of Groß Schauener See and Alter Wochowsee. On all six bodies of water, fishing is only permitted from certain bathing spots designated in the "Groß Schauener Seenkette" nature reserve ordinance. .
  • Size/depth: 960 hectares, 4 metres
  • Tenant/operator: Naturgut Köllnitz
  • Fish species: zander, pike, tench, common bream, other whitefish
  • Sale of fishing permits: Farm store of the Naturgut Köllnitz

No need to be put off. On the western shore of the Großer Schauener See is the Naturgut Köllnitz with an adjoining hotel, restaurant and the Sielmann Forum, an interactive exhibition.

Sielmann Forum, an interactive exhibition organized by the Heinz Sielmann Foundation. Here you can marvel at various specimens of the fish species found here. The nature estate also issues fishing licenses and provides boats for hire.

You can also launch your rowing boat on the grounds of the nature reserve and cast your line in the area marked with buoys. That's around 150 hectares of water!

The average depth of the water is two meters, which is home to large zander. The largest specimens weighed in at just under ten kilos. But eels of over 90 centimetres and heavyweight carp are also frequently caught in the Groß Schauener See - despite the ban on night fishing.

Only club members are allowed to fish from boats on the Alter Wochowsee; there is no provision for bank fishing. The island at the southern end of the Alter Wochowsee is a special feature worth mentioning. In the period from 01.03. to 15.07. of each year, a distance of at least 200 meters must be maintained and access is prohibited all year round. The reason: the island is used intensively as a cormorant colony. On the other waters, fishing opportunities are limited to a few designated spots. Admittedly, there is little room for anglers in the Groß Schauener Seenkette nature reserve. Admittedly, there is little room for anglers in the Groß Schauener Seenkette nature reserve.

Species conservation, animal protection and nature conservation have priority here.
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15859 Groß Schauen

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Tourist information

Tourismusverband Seenland Oder-Spree e.V.

Ulmenstraße 15
15526 Bad Saarow

Tel.: +49 (0) 33631-868100
Fax: +49 (0) 33631-868102

Weather Today, 11. 2.

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