Großer Dorcheteich near Schwerzko (fishing lake)

Fishing waters
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
  • Großer Drocheteich between Schwerzko and Bomsdorf
  • Size: 6.88 hectares  depth: up to 3.50 metres
  • Fish species: carp, pike, tench, whitefish
  • Tenant/operator: Fischerei– und Naturschutzverein Dorchesee Schwerzko e.V.
  • Sale of fishing permits:
    • Fischerei– und Naturschutzverein Dorchesee Schwerzko e.V., Zur Mittelmühle 8, 15898 Neuzelle OT Schwerzko
    • Neuzelle tourist information centre, Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle, telephone +49 33652 6102,

Fishing is limited to certain times which are published in the event schedule. When fishing at moonlight, the Dorcheteich is transformed into a sea of light – a sight well worth seeing not just for anglers. One of the absolute highlights is the close of the annual fishing season on the 3rd weekend of October. On this day, guests have the opportunity to buy freshly caught and ready-to-cook fish. Catering is provided on this day.
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  • Großer Dorcheteich, Foto: Uwe Starun
  • Großer Dorcheteich, Foto: Uwe Starun
  • Großer Dorcheteich, Foto: Uwe Starun
  • Großer Drocheteich between Schwerzko and Bomsdorf
  • Size: 6.88 hectares  depth: up to 3.50 metres
  • Fish species: carp, pike, tench, whitefish
  • Tenant/operator: Fischerei– und Naturschutzverein Dorchesee Schwerzko e.V.
  • Sale of fishing permits:
    • Fischerei– und Naturschutzverein Dorchesee Schwerzko e.V., Zur Mittelmühle 8, 15898 Neuzelle OT Schwerzko
    • Neuzelle tourist information centre, Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle, telephone +49 33652 6102,

Fishing is limited to certain times which are published in the event schedule. When fishing at moonlight, the Dorcheteich is transformed into a sea of light – a sight well worth seeing not just for anglers. One of the absolute highlights is the close of the annual fishing season on the 3rd weekend of October. On this day, guests have the opportunity to buy freshly caught and ready-to-cook fish. Catering is provided on this day.
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  • Großer Dorcheteich, Foto: Uwe Starun
  • Großer Dorcheteich, Foto: Uwe Starun

Arrival planner

Zur Mittelmühle 8

15898 Schwerzko

Weather Today, 15. 2.

-2 1
overcast clouds

  • Sunday
    -4 0
  • Monday
    -5 1

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Seenland Oder-Spree e.V.

Ulmenstraße 15
15526 Bad Saarow

Tel.: +49 (0) 33631-868100
Fax: +49 (0) 33631-868102

Weather Today, 15. 2.

-2 1
overcast clouds

  • Sunday
    -4 0
  • Monday
    -5 1

All information, times and prices are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the data. We recommend that you inquire about the current status by phone / e-mail or via the provider's website before your visit.

+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

Thank you for your enquiry!

In case your enquiry did not result in a booking, we will be getting in touch with you as quickly as possible during our service hours from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

We are also glad to answer all of your questions surrounding the State of Brandenburg at (+49)(0)331- 200 47 47. Please send us an e-mail at

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