Spreewald Museum Lübbenau

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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
At the Spreewald Museum in the historic town centre of Lübbenau, visitors go on a journey through time to the hectic everyday life of a Spreewald town 150 years ago – when the aroma of exotic products such as coffee, cocoa and spices wafted down from the shelves of the general stores. Historical businesses and craft workshops bring the 19th century back to life: the furrier with his fine furs, the shoemaker and the linen weaver, and there are fine lace and traditional costumes to be admired in the clothes store.
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  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Kolonialwarenladen, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Kürschner, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Spreewaldbahn, Foto: Silvano Procopius, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Spreewaldbahn, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewald-Museum Lübbenau - Torhaus , Foto: Museum OSL, Lizenz: Museum OSL
Technology fans will love the historic Spreewald railway! Until the 19th century, the Spreewald was a remote region where many of the small towns and villages could only be reached by water, but with the advent of the railway it gained a whole new accessibility. Visitors are invited to climb up into the engine driver's cab of the original 995703 steam locomotive and take a look at the old instruments. And if you want to actually travel in 19th-century style, simply settle into the second-class passenger and luggage car dating back to 1897.
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At the Spreewald Museum in the historic town centre of Lübbenau, visitors go on a journey through time to the hectic everyday life of a Spreewald town 150 years ago – when the aroma of exotic products such as coffee, cocoa and spices wafted down from the shelves of the general stores. Historical businesses and craft workshops bring the 19th century back to life: the furrier with his fine furs, the shoemaker and the linen weaver, and there are fine lace and traditional costumes to be admired in the clothes store.
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  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Kolonialwarenladen, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Kürschner, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Spreewaldbahn, Foto: Silvano Procopius, Lizenz: Museum OSL
  • Spreewaldmuseum Lübbenau - Spreewaldbahn, Foto: Steffen Rasche, Lizenz: Museum OSL
Technology fans will love the historic Spreewald railway! Until the 19th century, the Spreewald was a remote region where many of the small towns and villages could only be reached by water, but with the advent of the railway it gained a whole new accessibility. Visitors are invited to climb up into the engine driver's cab of the original 995703 steam locomotive and take a look at the old instruments. And if you want to actually travel in 19th-century style, simply settle into the second-class passenger and luggage car dating back to 1897.
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Arrival planner

Topfmarkt 12

03222 Lübbenau/Spreewald

Weather Today, 7. 2.

1 5
overcast clouds

  • Saturday
    -0 6
  • Sunday
    -1 6

Tourist information

Tourismusverband Spreewald

Lindenstraße 1
03226 Vetschau/Spreewald OT Raddusch

Tel.: +49 (0) 35433-72299
Fax: +49 (0) 35433-72228

Weather Today, 7. 2.

1 5
overcast clouds

  • Saturday
    -0 6
  • Sunday
    -1 6

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+49(0)331 2004747​ We are available for you via telephone: weekdays Mon – Fri 9 am – 1 pm and Oct. 31 from 9 am – 1 pm.

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