Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau, Cultural Centre and Museum

Museums , Monasteries
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p.P. = per person, p.P./N = per person / night, p.E./N = per unit / night, EZ = Single room, DZ = double room, FeWo = holiday home, App. = apartment, Suite = suite, FR = Breakfast, HP = half board, VP = full board
The historic ensemble is now home to the cultural history museum, the town archives, the town library and an event venue. The cultural history museum has an outstanding collection of medieval items and an exhibition about the life and work of Jakob Philipp Hackert, classicist landscape painter and Goethe’s friend. In addition to this, the Dominican Monastery provides for a wide range of cultural offerings such as concerts, plays and exhibitions. The Gothic monastery church can impress with its trefoil and quatrefoil lancet windows and its elaborately decorated north portal. The refectory features medieval murals. There are regular concerts held in the inner courtyard, and the monastery garden is a great place to linger. The Kultursommer festival is held every year from May to September in the inner courtyard.
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  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Klostergarten mit Harlekin, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Klassisches Konzert im Friedgarten, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Refektorium, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Wandmalerei im Refektorium, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Harlekin, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - originale Rolandteile, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Veranstaltung im Friedgarten, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
Group tours and educational activities for groups of children and teenagers can be arranged by request.

About the history:

The Dominicans were granted approval for establishing a monastery in 1275. They then received parts of the margravial court on the south-western edge of the historic town centre, to build their monastery in a slightly elevated place above Uckersee. By 1308 the convent was among the richest Dominican monasteries of the Mark region. The monastery was damaged by fire in 1519, and this weakened its financial situation. In the context of the Protestant Reformation, the monastery was disbanded in 1544.

The Dominican monastery was built between 1275 and 1500, in four construction phases. The three-aisle single-nave church that was inaugurated in 1343, the cloister area and the annex and a service building are the core parts of the monastery. These parts are fully preserved and renovated. The cloister, refectory and women’s chapel with Gothic structural and decorative elements have their stylistic roots in the work of the “Brandenburger Dombauhütte” (cathedral workshop) and the “Choriner Bauhütte” (mason’s guild).
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The historic ensemble is now home to the cultural history museum, the town archives, the town library and an event venue. The cultural history museum has an outstanding collection of medieval items and an exhibition about the life and work of Jakob Philipp Hackert, classicist landscape painter and Goethe’s friend. In addition to this, the Dominican Monastery provides for a wide range of cultural offerings such as concerts, plays and exhibitions. The Gothic monastery church can impress with its trefoil and quatrefoil lancet windows and its elaborately decorated north portal. The refectory features medieval murals. There are regular concerts held in the inner courtyard, and the monastery garden is a great place to linger. The Kultursommer festival is held every year from May to September in the inner courtyard.
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  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Klostergarten mit Harlekin, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Klassisches Konzert im Friedgarten, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Refektorium, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Wandmalerei im Refektorium, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - Harlekin, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau - originale Rolandteile, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
  • Veranstaltung im Friedgarten, Foto: U. Meyer, Lizenz: Dominikanerkloster Prenzlau
Group tours and educational activities for groups of children and teenagers can be arranged by request.

About the history:

The Dominicans were granted approval for establishing a monastery in 1275. They then received parts of the margravial court on the south-western edge of the historic town centre, to build their monastery in a slightly elevated place above Uckersee. By 1308 the convent was among the richest Dominican monasteries of the Mark region. The monastery was damaged by fire in 1519, and this weakened its financial situation. In the context of the Protestant Reformation, the monastery was disbanded in 1544.

The Dominican monastery was built between 1275 and 1500, in four construction phases. The three-aisle single-nave church that was inaugurated in 1343, the cloister area and the annex and a service building are the core parts of the monastery. These parts are fully preserved and renovated. The cloister, refectory and women’s chapel with Gothic structural and decorative elements have their stylistic roots in the work of the “Brandenburger Dombauhütte” (cathedral workshop) and the “Choriner Bauhütte” (mason’s guild).
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Comfort Information

  • Leisuretime
    Visitor parking
    • Distance of visitor parking to the entrance (in meters, approx.): 50
    • Level, trip-free flooring everywhere (inside and outside)
    • Everything is accessible at ground level / without stairs.
    Guest bathroom
    • Guest toilet is accessible without stairs
    Additional info
    • Convenient arrival by public transport possible
    • Handrails on all stairs
    • Changing facility for infants

Arrival planner

Uckerwiek 813

17291 Prenzlau

Weather Today, 13. 9.

8 15
light rain

  • Saturday
    11 17
  • Sunday
    11 19

Tourist information

tmu Tourismus Marketing Uckermark GmbH

Stettiner Straße 19
17291 Prenzlau

Tel.: +49 (0) 3984-835883
Fax: +49 (0) 3984-835885

Weather Today, 13. 9.

8 15
light rain

  • Saturday
    11 17
  • Sunday
    11 19

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