• Am Scharmützelsee in Bad Saarow,

        Foto: Fotograf / Lizenz - Media Import/Yorck Maecke Am Scharmützelsee in Bad Saarow, Foto: Fotograf / Lizenz - Media Import/Yorck Maecke
    Seenland Oder-Spree - your holiday region
    Ort: Bad Saarow

Seenland Oder-Spree Water adventures, nature paradises, country outings and cultural delights

The Oder and Spree River, as well as the many lakes like Schwieloch- and Scharmützelsee (the two biggest lakes in Brandenburg), offer the perfect conditions for aquatic sports and water fun. The countryside between Berlin, the Oder River and Spreewald Forest surprises guests with its diversity and contrasts, its secluded spaces and varied history. Fascinating nature landscapes, such as the Schlaubetal, the Märkische Schweiz and the Oderbruch appeal to visitors who take pleasure in going on a bike or hiking tour.

Let's go! We show you how to spend the perfect day in the Seenland Oder-Spree, give you useful tips and recommendations regarding your vacation and reveal the best highlights you don't want to miss.

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Off to an aquatic adventure

With its more than 200 lakes and plenty of smaller and larger rivers, the Seenland Oder-Spree is Germany’s greatest usable water area. Understandably, this region east of Berlin draws especially enthusiasts of aquatic sports. Get ready to cast off on a sailing boat with favourable winds, go surfing on Lake Scharmützelsee or put out to sea on a house or motorboat. Another fascinating way to experience nature is to go paddling down the Spree River. Numerous nature and public beaches or pools are perfectly suited for a refreshing swimming break on a hot summer day.

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Unspoilt hiking paradises

In the wild and seemingly enchanted Schlaubetal in the southeastern part of the Seenland Oder-Spree you can go hiking on the Schlaubetal trail, cutting through one of Germany's most beautiful creek valleys. There is an unprecedented biodiversity, and scores of windmills, such as the Ragower Mühle, emerge along the hiking trail. Today, these windmills operate as restaurants, serving regional specialities.

Another hiking paradise is the Märkische Schweiz with its dense network of hiking trails, among them the quality certified Märkische Schweiz nature park trail. The fascinating landscape of this smallest yet oldest nature park with its scenic woodlands, lakes, hills, gorges and basins developed during the glacial period.

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